


姓名: 楊楷民
職稱: 副教授兼系主任
電子郵件: ykmin@nqu.edu.tw
聯絡電話: (082)313579








  1. 青銀共創:斗門社區共餐展食力(113),計畫主持人,教育部教學實踐研究計畫
  2. 酒類副產物機能性評估(1) (113),計畫主持人,金門酒廠實業股份有限公司委託檢驗案
  3. 探討高粱經酵素處理之理化特性與機能性之差異(113),計畫主持人,農業委員會
  4. 牛樟芝衍生產品開發計劃(113),共同計畫主持人,浩峰生物科技股份有限公司產學合作案
  5. 食品加工研究計畫()(113),共同計畫主持人,雙墩實業有限公司產學合作
  6. 精油與純露萃取設備之研發(112),計畫主持人,慶錩興業有限公司產學合作案
  7. 風味油研發及品質監控(110),計畫主持人,佳佑餐飲事業股份有限公司產學合作案
  8. 以多變量分析焙炒對於國產花生及其油品製備機能性、氧化安定性之影響(108-2218-E-451-001-),計畫主持人,科技部。


  1. Ching-Jung Lin等人,Exploring Some Aspects and Components of Lemongrass/2023 International Conference on Senior Citizen and Companion Animal Healthcare/論文發表佳作.
  2. Ming-Tso Shih等人,Effects of antioxidant capacity of onion (Allium cepa) by different processing/2023 International Conference on Senior Citizen and Companion Animal Healthcare/論文發表第三名.
  3. Yu-Hua Hisiao, Cai-Yi Chuang, Jia-Yu Zhang, Wei-Ching Huang, Chia-Yen Chung, Kai-Min Yang* (2023, Jun). Exploring the Impact of Processing on the Antioxidant Potential of Ginger. 2023 International Conference on Senior Citizen
  4. 賴彥廷等人,洋蔥多元加工之抗氧化能力表現/理工學院專題研究(112)
  5. 劉湸劼,BTGA比利時觀光美食節國際大賽/觀光伴手禮/銅牌(111)
  6. 明道大學食安青年軍,參與豬原料原產地標示輔導委託計畫(110)
  7. 葉子嫻,國際化妝品科技研討會/論文發表/佳作(108,與陳信君老師共同指導)
  8. 陳伶伊,食科年會第49次會員大會/壁報論文/優等(108,與邱致穎老師共同指導)
  9. 餐旅管理學系系學會榮獲社團評鑑及績優社團頒獎活動學生自治團體類第三名 (110)、第二名(111)
  10. 2019台灣食品產業新一代創新產品競賽-永保安糠 (108)

Refereed papers期刊論文

  1. Lee, J. C., Yang, K. M., Wu, C. S., Chu, L. P., Jiang, W. M., & Chen, H. C. (2023). Discussion on the Differences in Aroma Components in Different Fragrant Rice Varieties during Storage. Life, 13(10), 2063.
  2. Chiu, C. S., Cheng, Y. T., Chan, Y. J., Lu, W. C., Yang, K. M., & Li, P. H. (2023, Jan). Mechanism and inhibitory effects of cactus (Opuntia dillenii) extract on melanocytes and its potential application for whitening cosmetics. Scientific Reports. (SCI).
  3. Yang, K. M., Chen, C. W., Chen, M. H., Chen, H. C., & Lin, L. Y. (2023, Jan). Authenticity Analysis of Cold-Pressed Orange Essential Oils by GC/MS on Polymethoxyflavone Components. Agriculture. (SCI). 本人為第一作者.
  4. Kai-Min Yang, Ming-Ching Cheng, Zih-Sian Ye, Lee-Ping Chu and Hsin-Chun Chen (2022, Oct). Chemical Properties of Peanut Oil from Arachis hypogaea L. Tainan 14 and Its Oxidized Volatile Formation . Molecules. (SCI). MOST 106-2632-b-241-000. 本人為第一作者.
  5. Yang, Z. S., Song, H. Y., Yang, K. M., & Chiang, P. Y. (2022, Jun). The physicochemical properties and the release of sodium caseinate polysaccharide gum chlorophyll multiple-layer particles by rotary side-spray fluid bed technology . Food Chemistry. (SCI).
  6. Chiang, S. H., Yang, K. M., Wang, S. Y., & Chen, C. W. (2022, May). Enzymatic treatment in black tea manufacturing processing Impact on bioactive compounds, quality, and bioactivities of black tea. LWT. (SCI).
  7. Chao, P. W., Yang, K. M., Chiang, Y. C., & Chiang, P. Y. (2022). The formulation and the release of low–methoxyl pectin liquid-core beads containing an emulsion of soybean isoflavones. Food Hydrocolloids, (SCI).
  8. Yu-Jung Tsai, Li-Yun Lin, Kai-Min Yang, Yi-Chan Chiang, Min-Hung Chen and Po-Yuan Chiang (2021, Oct). Effects of Roasting Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam.): Quality, Volatile Compound Composition, and Sensory Evaluation. Foods. (SCI).
  9. Yang, K. M., Chao, L. K., Wu, C. S., Ye, Z. S., & Chen, H. C. (2021). Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Analysis of Volatile Components in Peanut Oil. Molecules, 26(11), 3306. (SCI)
  10. Ciou, J. Y., Chen, H. C., Chen, C. W., & Yang, K. M. (2021). Relationship between Antioxidant Components and Oxidative Stability of Peanut Oils as Affected by Roasting Temperatures. Agriculture, 11(4), 300. (SCI)
  11. Ciou, J. Y., Yang, K. M., Hou, C. Y., & You, J. Y. (2021). The physicochemical properties of spray‐dried sesame powder with different blending ratios. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e15275. (SCI)
  12. Lin, L. Y., Chuang, C. H., Chen, H. C., & Yang, K. M. (2019). Lime (Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle) essential oils: volatile compounds, antioxidant capacity, and hypolipidemic effect. Foods, 8(9), 398. (SCI).
  13. Kai-Min Yang, Po-Yuan Chiang (2019, Jul). Effects of smoking process on the aroma characteristics and sensory qualities of dried longan. Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry 287 (2019) 133–138. (SCI).
  14. Kai-Min Yang and Po-Yuan Chian (2019, Mar). Preparation and Evaluation of Release Formulation of r-Oryzanol/Algae Oil Self-Emulsified with Alginate Beads. Marine drugs, Mar. Drugs 2019, 17, 156; doi:10.3390/md17030156. (SCI). MOST 105-2221-e-005-077.
  15. Hai-Yao Wu, Kai-Min Yang and Po-Yuan Chiang (2018, Jun). Roselle Anthocyanins: Antioxidant Properties and Stability to Heat and pH. Molecules, 23(6). (SCI).
  16. Kai-Min Yang, Fu-Lan Hsu, Chih-Wei Chen, Chin-Lin Hsu, Ming-Ching Cheng (2018, Apr). Quality Characterization and Oxidative Stability of Camellia Seed Oils Produced with Different Roasting Temperatures.. Journal of oleo science, 67(4), 389-396. (SCI).
  17. Min-Hung Chen, Kai-Min Yang, Tzou-Chi Huang and Mei-Li Wu (2017, May). Traditional Small-Size Citrus from Taiwan: Essential Oils, Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity. Medicines, 4(2), 28.
  18. Kai-Min Yang and Po-Yuan Chiang (2017, Mar). Variation Quality and Kinetic Parameter of Commercial n-3 PUFA-Rich Oil during Oxidation via Rancimat. Marine drugs, 15(4), 97. (SCI). MOST 105-2221-e-005-077.
  19. Kai-Min Yang, Ming-Ching Cheng, Chih-Wei Chen, Chin-Yin Tseng, Li-Yun Lin, Po-Yuan Chiang (2017, Feb). Characterization of Volatile Compounds with HS-SPME from Oxidized n-3 PUFA Rich Oils via Rancimat tests. Journal of Oleo Science, 66(2), 113-122. (SCI).

